Poppy Jingxuan Chen
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
Transformation Vol.2: A Romantic Incident and Transformation Vol.3: A Better Place in
Divine are two chapters of the Transformation trilogy.
Transformation Vol. 2: A Romantic Incident is a triptych of videos documenting three
East Asian female archetypes. These videos are shown alongside a live performance by a Caucasian bartender who mixes drinks to a nonstop Bossa Nova elevator music soundtrack. The work imagines an alienated reality, a dystopic dating scene where the women literally talk the man to death.
Transformation Vol.3: A Better Place in Divine explores how reincarnation is projected in the game by metaphorically composing four archetypes of games: monopoly, hide and seek, Russian roulette and animal crossing. The work dreams of a perfect regime and community that could
possibly be envisioned in heaven.
Jingxuan (Poppy) Chen (born in China), lives and works in Australia.