Adina Kraus
אהיה אשר אהיה
Alone in the field one day, the King of Nothingness came to me. He spoke of a giant void, a primordial ring of chaos, sharing secrets of what existed prior to existence. He showed me his crown, and invited me to peer inside it. To my amazement, inside the crown was hollow, within it resided No-thing.
My work lies in paradoxes of art processors and material dialogues, encountering a mystic and sacred space where things should not make sense, making love in war and war out of love. Embodying the ultimate coexistence.
I question borders, and ask what is the ultimate border crossing.
Investigating a motherland, acting as a relic, where the source and the soil connect. As an artist in diaspora, upon my return, do my rituals embody that of holy ceremony or demarcate territory?