VCA ART 2022

Siro Cavaiuolo


What is the difference between a wedge and a ramp?

I extrapolate found and discarded objects, once used as methods of support, through iterative subversion – opening space in closed things and collapsing space in open things. I seek strategies for refrain and release in the mush of total obsolescence.

Through methods of surface manipulation – framing, sanding, photographing, casting – I construct precarious installations that provoke investigation and reorientation.

A wooden ramp-like structure with aluminium cast cuttlefish leads out into an open installation space, with a vertical sculpture of three sandblasted table legs stacked atop eachother, and a grid of photographs.
Siro Cavaiuolo, installation view of Sentimental Value, 2022.
A drummer counts up to a song that will never play. The rest of the band waits.
Siro Cavaiuolo, installation view of Drumcount, 2022.

6:53 minute digital video, 50inch LED monitor, heavy duty extension cords, bluetooth speaker, unburied seashell. Drummer and Counter: Ila Taylor; Vocalist: Gigi Taylor.
A broken grid of many photographs created in response to the scripts in the title.
Siro Cavaiuolo, Turning a stock photography book into stock photography, Staring contest with a sunset (obstructed by cruise liner), Marrying the stock photographs, Sanding the pages of the stock photography book (ongoing), Scanning the dust of the stock photography book, Folding the pages of the stock photography book into a pristine copy of the stock photography book, 2022, two Gator foam mounted digital C-type prints, 210 x 76 x 2 cm, 2022.
Siro Cavaiuolo, Keys-pace, two hotel bump keys, 3 x 2 cm, 2022.
A tiny ceramic tile is inlaid in an equally tiny frame in the side of a vertical table leg. The outlines of word bubbles are in the tiles, showing the original pattern that was sandblasted off.
Siro Cavaiuolo, Legs to stand with (detail), three found table legs, found inlaid ceramic tiles, sandblasted impressions of duct tape tug-of-war and congratulatory stickers, Japan Black satin stain varnish, dimensions variable, 2022.
Siro Cavaiuolo, Drumcount, 6:53 minute digital video, 50inch LED monitor, heavy duty extension cords, bluetooth speaker, unburied seashell, 2022. Drummer and Counter: Ila Taylor; Vocalist: Gigi Taylor. Special thanks to Lea Rose and Keely Varmalis.
A silver shiny cuttlebone is resting on the edge of a raw plywood structure that looks like it could have been a ramp. It has an impression of a ring at its centre.
Siro Cavaiuolo, Non-Functional Cuttle Fish System (detail), aluminium cast cuttlebones imprinted with Nonna Graziella's rings, 17mm structural plywood, highlighter, dimensions variable, 2022.
A spirit level is hung on a wall slightly askew
Siro Cavaiuolo, Intention, spirit level, 3.5 x 0.75 cm, 2022.

We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which our campus is situated, the people of the Boon Wurrung and Woi Wurrung, who have created art, made music and told their stories here for thousands of generations. We also acknowledge and extend our respect to the Traditional Owners of all lands on which our work is viewed, shared and enjoyed, and to all Elders, past, present and emerging.

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